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Dr. Ashish Jaiswal

M.B.B.S.; M.D.(Gold Medalist)

F.C.C.P.(USA); F.C.C.S.(USA)

M.E.R.S.(Europe); M.I.S.C.C.M; M.S.A.A.A.I

Advanced Cardiac life support provider (A.C.L.S.)


- MBBS from MGMMC, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

- M.D.(Pulmonary Medicine) from M.P.S medical college, Jamnagar, Gujarat

- Fellow of  Critical Care Service , USA(FCCS)

- Fellow of College of Chest Physician , USA(FCCP)

- Advance Life Care Support and Basic life support provider (ACLS & BLS), USA (AHC)


- Senior Consultant & Head, Pulmonary and critical care at Bhardawaj Hospital, Sector 29, Noida since May 2014.

- Assistant Professor in Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad. Since January 2011

- Senior Consultant & Head , Pulmonary and critical care at NMC Hospital, Sector30, Noida from April 2012 to April 2014.

- Consultant in RICU at Metro Centre of Respiratory Diseases, Sector 12, Noida from Dec. 2010 to March 2012.

- Senior Resident at L.R.S.Hospital of Chest Diseases, New Delhi from June 2010 to November 2010.

- Consultant in Medical ICU at G.G.Hospital, Jamnagar,Gujarat

- Worked as demonstrator in department pharmacology in MGMC Indore in year 2006-07


- Member of European Society of Respiratory Medicine (MERS)

- Member of American college of Thoracic Surgeon

- Member of Indian Society of Critical care Medicine

- Member of Indian Society of Allergy , Asthma And  Applied Immunology

Awards & Honor

- University Gold Medal for degree of M.D. in year 2010

- University Gold Medal for Best undergraduate student in year 2006.

- University Gold Medal in Biochemistry in year 2001.

- University Gold Medal in Pharmacology, Pathology, and Microbiology in year 2003.

- University Gold Medal in Preventive & Social Medicine in year 2004.


- Arora V K, Jaiswal A. Vitamin D Receptor Polymorrhism and Active Tuberculosis: Indian journal of tuberculosis  2013; 60:199-201


- Makwana G, S Mala, Jain V, Jaiswal A: Pulmonary nocardiosis – a rare case of pulmonary nocardiosis in an immunecompetent

  patient:  J Indian Med assoc 2013; 111(3):194-5


- Mishra M, Kumar, Jaiswal A, Verma A K, Kant S. Kartageners syndrome: Lung India 2012;29:366-9


- Jaiswal A, Jain V, Chatterjee I, Ghanchi F. Acute airway obstruction due to primary tracheal malignancy: Gujarat Journal of

  Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery 2012; Vol 9 No. 3: 22 -24


- Arora V, Jaiswal A, Gupta S, Gupta M, Jain V. Implementation of RNTCP in a private medical college: 5 year experience: Indian

  journal of Tuberculosis 2012; 59: 145-50


- Singhla R, Caminero J, Jaiswal A, Singhla N, Gupta S, Behera D. Linzolid: Safety and efficacy monitoring: European respiratory

  journal 2012;


- Singhla R, Caminero J, Jaiswal A, Singhla N, Gupta S, Behera D. Linzolid: an effective and safe drug for patients failing MDR TB

  treatment in India: European respiratory journal 2012; 39 (4): 956-62


- Jaiswal A, Chattrejee I, Mehta M, Ghanchi F, Santwani P. Primary clear cell carcinoma of lung presented with generalized

  lymphadenopathy mimicking lymphoma: JAPI 2012; 60: 76-80


- Jaiswal A, Gupta S, Jain V, Mehta M, Ghanchi F, Sharma B R,. Respiratory manifestation of acute organo phosphorus poisoning – an

  epidemiological  study: Journal indo pacific academy of forensic odontology 2012; 3: 44-49


- Jaiswal A, Munjal S, Singla R, Jain V, Behera S. Tracheomegaly, tracheal diverticulosis and Bronchiectasis: Mounier-Kuhn syndrome.

  Lung India 2012: 176-8


- Jaiswal A, Jain V, Ghanchi F D, Chatterjee I. Gujarat Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck surgery 2012; vol 9: 20-22

Arora V, Jaiswal A, Jain V. Changing trends of cutaneous tuberculosis in the era of DOTS strategy: Indian journal in of tuberculosis

  2012; 59: 116-118.


- Goel A, Jain S, Jaiswal A. Role of targeted monoclonal antibodies combined with chemo radio therapy in head & neck cancer. Gujarat

  Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck surgery 2012; vol 6: 26-29.


- Vyas P, Jaiswal A, Ghanchi F. Incidence of tuberculosis in Jam Nagar district of Gujarat and role of indigenous drugs to combat the

  disease. Journal of Ayurveda 2009; vol 30: 436-442.


- Pentoxifylline therapy for hepatopulmonary syndrome: A pilot study. Gupta L B, Jaiswal A, Sarin S K. Arch intern medicines 2008;

  vol 168: 1820-23


- Jaiswal A, Aggarwal H, Solanki P, Odiya S. Epidemiological and socio culture study of   burn patients M. Y. Hospital, Indor, MP. 

  Indian journal of plastic surgery 2007; vol 40: 158-163


the Field in

Physician & Cardiologist

Physician in Crossing Republik, Chest Specialist in Crossing Republik, Cardiologist in Crossing Republik, Diabetes Specialist in Crossing Republik, Allergy Specialist in Crossing Republik, Pulmonologist in Crossing Republik, Physician in Noida Extension, Chest Specialist in Noida Extension, Cardiologist in Noida Extension, Diabetes Specialist in Noida Extension, Allergy Specialist in Noida Extension, Pulmonologist in Noida Extension, Thyroida Specialist

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